Hey guys!

What's up everybody? Good day, isn't it? It's so sunny and hot outside I feel like taking a swim, don't you? Nydala here I come! Oh, yeah, it's like -25 degrees, but that's nothing... Soon we probably will think Antartica is warm and cozy... I'm sitting in our freezing, or no, I mean hot (oh dear, what am I saying?) classroom. We just finished our first subsample in Math B and it was great!! Hmm, I'm feeling a bit sarcastic today, I don't know why... Oh well, and like one second ago we had an unprepared vocabulary test, and it was fantastic! Okay, I will skip the whole sarcasm-thingy now. I’m not fooling anyone, I think. The math test went pretty crappy, but, the English test was really small so it wasn't that bad. Anyway, I'm pretty psyched about the weekend, and of course, Friday. Wanna know why? Hehe, you're dying with curiosity right now, aren’t you? Mohaha, I got the power. Uh! Oh, okay I'll tell you. It's Ellen the AWESOMEs' birthday! And you know what? It's gonna be awesome. Just a hint. I'm planning on pulling together a group of friends and have a pretty laid back night, but don't worry, I'm not upset or anything. I don't really want like a big disco or like flashy masquerade. Not really my thing. It might have been before, in like the 4th grade, but now, not so much. Ha-ha-ha. Or... maybe it is? Moahahaaa. Check this out:

Ellen the awesome. Ellen THE MAD HATTER!!!

Yeah..the description tells it all.

Me as the awesome Mad Hatter. A little bit toned down but it's alright...

I just didn't dress up just for the sake of it, there's actually a reason to this madness (HA). Although, that's not always the case... Me and my friend are planning to dress up for the premiere of "Alice in Wonderland", made by the awesome Tim Burton (join my Tim Burton-group on fb!). And I, also known as the Awesome Ellen, had the honour of portraying the awesome Mad Hatter (played by the awesomely awesome actor Johnny Depp in the movie). My friend is going as Alice. Yeah, I know, we're total geeks but heck, do you think we care? Hell no. Geeky living 4-life y'all! And the most awesome thing ever is that the movie is in 3D, I'm going to look even madder. Coolio.

Oh well, another formal's coming up soon. But for now, that remains a secret. Smell ya latah...rabbit! (I refuse to say alligator; it's too obvious and mediocre). BYE!

Okay, seriously, I'm going to be serious. SERIOUSLY!

Dear people out there in the fabulous world of the internet! It's been a while since my previous post but that’s actually because I've been dreading this one. When our English teacher told us to write both formal and personal I thought it would be easy. But how very wrong I was. The personal stuff was fun and rather easy but the formal...not so much. I mean, almost everything I write turns personal, no matter which way I turn it. But, I'm not a quitter so I will do my best to do it as formal as possible.


Politics is something that means very much to me. It's a subject very close to my heart, or, brain at least. It hasn't always been that way though, only for perhaps a year or two. Before that all I learned was the little pieces in the schoolbooks that the teacher made us do. I have to say that I didn't do it optimistically. It was just another thing to memorise and then forget right after you've put down your pencil and handed it the test.

I was first introduced to politics on a higher level by taking part in discussions with a friend of mine, who just had joined a political group here in Umeå, called Ung Vänster. This is like Vänsterpartiet but for teenagers etc. So we discussed and talked along with other people almost every break during the 9th grade, and I got more and more interested. But the most important thing is that I formed opinions of my own and found out which "side" I was on. Before that, you simply didn’t care. But after that “breakthrough”, there was almost too much to care about!

The first thing I did with the Ung Vänster movement was demonstrating on the 1st of May. Shortly after that I also joined the group, and so did one of my classmates. Since then I've been active at meetings, handed out flyers, and well...enjoyed the political things in life. Right now it’s unusually swamped with promotion things and such, since election is coming up. So, now I’m more “active” than before.


Right now it's Friday afternoon and I don't know if I will write more about this. All I know is that I won’t do it now. Like I said, Friday. I might continue with writing about this later, although that depends on the responds I get from this one. Maybe this is more than enough. Okay, good bye everyone!

/ Ellen ”The Awesome One”


Hi there! Right now I'm sitting in my English classroom, working on my blog (obviously). Before this lesson we had math B, it was alright. We're working with factors and such for the moment, and that I'm quite interested in. I'm pretty psyched about the music lesson this afternoon. You wanna know why? That's because we're going to start with the basics for both guitar and base guitar! I love playing the guitar and I'd say I'm pretty good at it, so finally an instrument I don't have to start from scrath with. I've never played base guitar before though, but I don't see that as a negative thing, more like a way to broaden my musicality.  Plus that you look so cool playing it;) Okeydokey. Today it's wednesday, the weather is...white and cold and... very winter-ish (in the search for better words). I have soccer practise tonight, which my mind is lookin anxiously forward to, but my heal is saying otherwise. Talk about a heal of achilles? I have like the biggest, most discusting blisters ever, on my heal. I can't even walk normally, I have to like limp, which make me look like a penguine. Oh well, maybe I'll make it... Compeed bandaids anyone? Okay, now it's lunch and me so HUNGRY!!! Yaba Daba DOO! Smell ya later;)

Ska ju bli mästare på det där;)

Lookie lookie!

Hi everybody! I'm back! Today hasn't been the greatest. Although, that might be because of the whole me-hating-mondays thing. Why? Well, because I always have to do the dishes, it's the first day in school after the weekend, and it's...well...it's monday!  Okay, so, right now I'm sitting in the kitchen doing my homework, or at least trying to. I first started doing chemistry but then I realised this is so much more fun so, yeah, I totally chose this over that! I got home from my floor ball practise like an half hour ago, and I'm too lazy to stretch xD. That'll regrett later... Tomorrow it's my turn to bake for the class meeting, and for once I remembered it before the actual meeting started. So, I think I will whip something together after I finish this, maybe a huge and awesome chocolate cake? Yeah, that would certainly make sure everyones brown was turned upside down. Ha-ha. I love those jokes. Okay, so, what to write now... hmm... Oh yeah! I discovered this awesome band today, or, my friend did but still, and my play-button has like been on ever since (figuratively speaking). The band's called Switchfoot and comes from the U.S. They got so many different types of songs, both rock-songs and slower ones. Plus that the singers voice is like magical. So, that's the music recommendation from me today. Switchfoot. Just try it. Switch your feet on the music surfboard of the world;) (switchfoot is also a surfing-trick). Okay, this got me an idea. Here's the top 5 of today:

Ellens TOP 5

1. Today's fail:
When Emma and Malin K thought that the song "Björnen sover" went: "Och en slanka dit" and "och en slankan dit". I mean, what's a "slanka" and a "slankan"? I mean didn't they ever wonder? Ha-ha-ha. Both of them were obviously wrong, but I, the awesome, was correct;).
2. Today's sport: Floorball (only because that was today^^)
3. Today's "BOO": The food, obviously. Did they really think that the shitty food would taste alright as long as you drowned it in tomato sauce, which was just as shitty? It's like cleaning shit with shit: it doesn't work. Eew, that sounded gross. 
4. Today's online game: Vampire Wars!! Okay. Hi my name is Ellen and I'm a vamp-o-holic.  
5. Today's most muddled: Me, when I like ran around like an idiot in the school, looking for my swedish class.

Yeah, Tomorrow there might be other cathegories, you just wait! ;) Moahhahaha! (me love those awesome evil laughs ^.^) Yeah, I have to go and whip that cake now! See ya later... no not alligator...that's to predictable...WILDEBEEST! Ha-ha. / Ellen 

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