Hello ladies and gentlemen!

Hi there! Okay, this thing you just logged on to is my new, totally awesome, supercool blog. The person behind the butt-ugly computer, hopefully writing, is me, Ellen. I really don't think I have to describe myself since you already know everything. I say what? Yeah, that's right: Ellen the AWESOME. Well okay, I guess I have to start this thing called "blogging", whatever that is... Okay, here we go.

Today was pretty much like every other day (exiting start, right?). It started out with a trip to France, or I wish. In reality I took a trip to the French class room, although that wasn't so bad. We had this awesome exercise, where one person was an optimist and one this bitchy mean person, and then the positive person had to ask questions to the bitch, and the bitch had to be a bitch about it (ha-ha). Guess who I was? Yeah, that's right, the bitch. So much fun!

Okay, then after that, it was time for my favourite subject: MUSIC! Plus, this time it was even more fun than usual. Why? We were playing our songs, from the 70's rock btw, on the cafeteria stage! So gloriously awesome. We played two songs, Strutter by KISS and Tush by ZZ-top. Big cheers to everybody in my group! I'm sorry; I unfortunately don't have any photos from the performance.

Later, after a lunch at "the man of the wild", we had Swedish class and then English. At the Swedish class I wasn't really paying attention since I basically was sleeping on my computer. I probably got that tired because I relaxed after being like a rabbit all morning. But you know it's always like that when you get like an adrenalin rush and then you start discussing well, let's say, ancient Greek myths.

After school I went to my sisters place to celebrate her 20:ieth birthday. I had way too much cake (and I still got a stomach ache) but otherwise it was great. Then I was off to my friends house, where we first played cards but then got into a discussion about politics. So typical us... "I think that the private companies should be stately own because"..."No, we shouldn't have grades since"... etc. We are really different, politically speaking at least, so we often get in these kind of arguments. Okay, now I sit here, hyper as a rabbit again, and doing my english "homework". AWESOME. Now the juicy news is dried... Well, I guess I'll see ya. Bye! / Ellen

Psst! Nighty night, and don't let the bed bugs bite! ;)

Oh look! I found a picture at last!!!

Here's a picture of us performing. Looking good, eh?
Here we are on stage. Lookin' good, eh?

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