Hey guys!

What's up everybody? Good day, isn't it? It's so sunny and hot outside I feel like taking a swim, don't you? Nydala here I come! Oh, yeah, it's like -25 degrees, but that's nothing... Soon we probably will think Antartica is warm and cozy... I'm sitting in our freezing, or no, I mean hot (oh dear, what am I saying?) classroom. We just finished our first subsample in Math B and it was great!! Hmm, I'm feeling a bit sarcastic today, I don't know why... Oh well, and like one second ago we had an unprepared vocabulary test, and it was fantastic! Okay, I will skip the whole sarcasm-thingy now. I’m not fooling anyone, I think. The math test went pretty crappy, but, the English test was really small so it wasn't that bad. Anyway, I'm pretty psyched about the weekend, and of course, Friday. Wanna know why? Hehe, you're dying with curiosity right now, aren’t you? Mohaha, I got the power. Uh! Oh, okay I'll tell you. It's Ellen the AWESOMEs' birthday! And you know what? It's gonna be awesome. Just a hint. I'm planning on pulling together a group of friends and have a pretty laid back night, but don't worry, I'm not upset or anything. I don't really want like a big disco or like flashy masquerade. Not really my thing. It might have been before, in like the 4th grade, but now, not so much. Ha-ha-ha. Or... maybe it is? Moahahaaa. Check this out:

Ellen the awesome. Ellen THE MAD HATTER!!!

Yeah..the description tells it all.

Me as the awesome Mad Hatter. A little bit toned down but it's alright...

I just didn't dress up just for the sake of it, there's actually a reason to this madness (HA). Although, that's not always the case... Me and my friend are planning to dress up for the premiere of "Alice in Wonderland", made by the awesome Tim Burton (join my Tim Burton-group on fb!). And I, also known as the Awesome Ellen, had the honour of portraying the awesome Mad Hatter (played by the awesomely awesome actor Johnny Depp in the movie). My friend is going as Alice. Yeah, I know, we're total geeks but heck, do you think we care? Hell no. Geeky living 4-life y'all! And the most awesome thing ever is that the movie is in 3D, I'm going to look even madder. Coolio.

Oh well, another formal's coming up soon. But for now, that remains a secret. Smell ya latah...rabbit! (I refuse to say alligator; it's too obvious and mediocre). BYE!

Postat av: Gab

haha! well it sounds like you've got a great day :) :P

you've got the flow girl!

2010-02-25 @ 07:48:13
URL: http://sandigt.blogg.se/english

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